
Report: Amazing Spider-Man 3 and 4 Get Release Dates

UPDATE: Confirmed. See quote below.Look out! Here come two Spider-Mans!Jeff Sneider of The Wrap is […]
Amazing Spider-Man 2 New Spider-Man Suit

Look out! Here come two Spider-Mans!Jeff Sneider of The Wrap is reporting that Sony has announced dates for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4, presumably meaning that the original “trilogy” that Marc Webb had mentioned in interviews has been modified somewhat.According to Sneider, “[The n]ext 2 SPIDER-MAN movies (3 & 4) due June 10, 2016 and May 4, 2018!”Jeff Blake, Chairman, Worldwide Marketing and Distribution for Sony Pictures, confirmed as much in a release, saying, “Spider-Man is our most important, most successful, and most beloved franchise, so we’re thrilled that we are in a position to lock in these prime release dates over the next five years.”So much for those “selling out to Marvel” rumors, eh?With the second film hitting in 2014, that would mean that Sony is committed to an every-two-years release slate that, as far as I can remember, makes The Amazing Spider-Man 4 the superhero film that’s officially announced the farthest out. Obviously that expresses some confidence in the material, given that there are a lot of people in Hollywood who keep saying they expect the superhero movie bubble to burst.More on this as it develops.