Those scamps over at Batman-on-Film, who dumped a ton of rumor, gossip and speculation about the forthcoming Batman vs. Superman film on us last week, are back at it today, giving fans a sense for when they might see the movie’s new-look Batmobile.That would be, according to their sources, not until the summer–sorry, Bat-fans. You can check out just what he said below:”Happy New Year! I have a minor update regarding location shooting BvS. I was told that location shooting of vehicle chase scenes (read: Batmobile scenes) will not take place until the Summer. I am under the impression that other location shooting, including exteriors — in addition to studio shooting — could begin as soon as next month, but that has not been confirmed. I’ll continue to keep my ears to the ground.”
Rumor: Batman vs. Superman’s Batmobile Scenes To Be Shot in the Summer
Those scamps over at Batman-on-Film, who dumped a ton of rumor, gossip and speculation about the […]