Earlier this week, Disney CEO Bob Iger made a surprise announcement and confirmed longstanding rumors that Disney would be making spinoff movies for the Star Wars franchise in addition to the already announced Star Wars Episode 7. While Iger didn’t specify which characters would be featured in these spinoff movies, rumors have pointed to Yoda, Boba Fett, and Han Solo as possibilities.On tonight’s episode of Saturday Night Live, Seth Meyers poked a little fun at the Star Wars spinoffs as part of a Weekend Update segment. Seth Meyers said, “Disney announced this week that in addition to new Star Wars sequels, they will also be making a series of stand alone spinoff movies involving popular characters such as Yoda, Boba Fett, and of course Madea.”When Meyers mentioned Madea, the image on the screen changed to a photo of the head of Tyler Perry’s Madea photoshopped onto Mace Windu’s body.
Saturday Night Live Makes Fun Of Star Wars Spinoff Movies
Earlier this week, Disney CEO Bob Iger made a surprise announcement and confirmed longstanding […]