In one of a number of new, low-quality photos scanned by fans out of an Empire magazine and posted online, X-Men: Days of Future Past appears to have given fans their first look at Wanda Maximoff, the girl who will grow up to be the Scarlet Witch.The photo seems to be a picture of a pre-Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff, taken at home with a young, red-haired girl…likely his sister.Since Wanda and Pietro usually come as a package deal (as they will in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron), it’s been a confusing choice for many fans that Bryan Singer would bring in Quicksilver without Scarlet Witch. No reason had been given yet, except an unsubstantiated rumor that Quicksilver was needed for a big action sequence, which seems unlikely since it would be cheaper and easier to rewrite such a sequence than cast a whole new actor and create the character’s effects.The characters exist in a kind of legal no man’s land, where both Marvel and Fox can claim ownership of their movie rights, because of their involvement with both the X-Men and The Avengers over a very long period of time, and the fact that no specific “side” was chosen for the characters when the rights were divided up for Fox’s X-Men license.In Avengers 2, the characters will be played by Kick-Ass star Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Godzilla‘s Elizabeth Olsen. In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Quicksilver will be Kick-Ass‘s Evan Peters. So far, it’s not clear whether this unnamed, young actress had a supporting role in Godzilla.
Scarlet Witch Teased in New X-Men: Days of Future Past Photo
In one of a number of new, low-quality photos scanned by fans out of an Empire magazine and […]