The animated films of Hayao Miyazaki have touched countless viewers in Japan, the United State, and around the world. Form early works like Lupin III: The Castle of Cogliostro and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, to the Academy Award-winning Spirited Away, to later works like The Wind Rises, Miyazaki is considered the high standard for animated film.
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Miyazaki has retired from making feature film, and at least one fan wants to honor his legeacy. Vimeo user Dono has created a touching tribute Miyazaki’s work, taking iconic moments from his filmograpghy and inserting them into a loving rendered 3D environment.
See it for yourself below:
The original 2D animation and 3D environments come together far better than you might expect at first, and creates a sense of reverence for Miyazaki’s original work.
You can check out some standout shots from the video in the gallery below. They make for some pretty great desktop wallpapers.
Source: The Creators Project