
Star Wars Episode VII Spoilers: Villains Revealed?

The Latino Review is reporting a whole batch of new rumors concerning Star Wars Episode VII.In […]

The Latino Review is reporting a whole batch of new rumors concerning Star Wars Episode VII.

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In particular, these rumors may reveal the identity of the film’s villains.

Potential SPOILERS follow:

The report from The Latino Review builds off of previous murmurings about there being some kind of “Sith Witches” involved in the plot of Episode VII. The report clarifies that they are not witches, but Inquisitors.

The report says that the Inquisitors will be loosely based on the Inquisitors of the no-longer-canon Expanded Universe, who were a subset of Imperial Intelligence that used Force sensitives to steal secrets.

The Inquisitors of Episode VII will be recast as stewards of the Sith, rather than simply agents of the Empire.

Additionally, if “Inquisitor” sounds familiar, it might be because you’re thinking of this guy, who is the big bad in Star Wars Rebels:

The report suggests that’s not a coincidence, and that the events of Star Wars Rebels will be much more directly tied to the events of Episode VII than anyone has been led to believe so far. While they might not directly crossover – they do take place during separate time periods, and Simon Kinberg has already said that, while it may happen in the future, they’re probably not ready for character crossovers just yet – the inclusion of The Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels may help paint a picture that illuminates and informs the events and back story of Episode VII.

Speaking of back story, the report also suggests that there will be a flashback scene in the film that stands to tweak the continuity of the previous two trilogies. Where previous rumors have suggested that the catalysing event of the film will be the search for a missing Luke Skywalker, the new report says that Luke isn’t simply missing, but being held captive by the Inquisitors. At some point, Luke will try to explain the history of the Inquisitors, leading to a flashback sequence that shows them in the service of Darth Vader – which, yes, does mean we will see Darth Vader on screen again for a brief scene, if these rumors turn out to be true.

Another part of the flashback will show audiences a young Leia Organa as a princess on Alderaan. Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher’s daughter, was recently cast in the film. Early assumptions were that she would be playing one of Leia’s daughters, but the new rumors suggest that she will be playing young Leia herself.

Star Wars Episode VII opens December 18, 2015.