A source close to Disney has reached out to let the media know that, in fact, the Star Wars spinoff films that we’ve been getting all lathered up about since Robert Iger confirmed their existence yesterday are far from ready to start rolling anytime soon.While yesterday brought us speculation that the first such film would center around Jedi Master Yoda, and today Entertainment Weekly told us it would be Han Solo and/or Boba Fett, Deadline is reporting that, in fact, their anonymous source tells them that nobody knows yet.”Nobody knows when these movies are even coming out. Right now, people are just kicking around ideas. Which is why you hear it’s Yoda one day and a young Han Solo another. It’s all in early development right now,” said the source.Iger, of course, said yesterday during an earnings call that the spinoff films would roll out concurrently with the planned Episode VII through IX trilogy.
Star Wars Solo Films Not Yet Determined
A source close to Disney has reached out to let the media know that, in fact, the Star Wars […]