Sorry, Spider-Man, but you’re no match for the power of the Force.
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Spider-Man 2’s 11.5-year record for the biggest Monday at the box office, with $27.7 million, was utterly demolished, as if by a blast from the Starkiller base, by Star Wars: The Force Awakens this week. The final tally is right around $40 million, beating the Monday record by 44%.
With that number, Disney’s behemoth became the fastest movie to $250 million, naturally (it only needed a couple after all), and puts it on the cusp of $300 million, which it should hit with ease on Tuesday.
The $40 million mark outstripped the early estimates from Monday afternoon by a full 10 million dollars, so estimates continue to be conservative, then blown away. The top Tuesday ever also belongs to Spidey, but this one to Amazing Spider-Man, which opened on a Tuesday with $35 million. That will present a challenge for The Force Awakens, but having almost three-quarters of kids and almost 90% of college students out of school already for their holiday break will help.