
The One Percent, Machiavelli and Nazi Lamas: Fred Van Lente on Archer & Armstrong #2

With the release of Archer & Armstrong #2 earlier today, the final Summer of Valiant title […]

With the release of Archer & Armstrong #2 earlier today, the final Summer of Valiant title officially moves beyond being a one-issue wonder. Fred Van Lente and Clayton Henry’s series moved into the story that brought it mainstream headlines a while back, with Obediah Archer squaring off against the One Percent.That, along with his religious zealot parents, one of whom is in Congress, paints a picture of a pair of characters who are as engaged in the real world as they are with the popular culture that Van Lente references and lampoons regularly in the pages of the series.Van Lente joined for a discussion of the issue, which–yes–contains the phrase “Nazi lamas.”Remember that these columns are intended to be read by those who have already seen the book. Spoilers ahead!Are you going to have some fun with Archer’s dialog? The liar, liar pants on fire line in the midst of a rage-fit and action sequence was a lot of fun. As was his “homicidal overtures” apology.Sounds like you answered your own question, there … thanks for the kind words! Archer is an exceptionally challenging character to write, as it’s hard to portray characters who are unsophisticated and ignorant of pop culture without them coming across as dumb. I’m happy people are getting that Obadiah Archer is naive because of a lack of world experience, not a lack of intelligence.

So…how hard does one’s head have to be in order to head-butt a dude wearing a metal helmet and win?

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And once they get their hands on the Boon, will these two be able to come to an agreement as to what they’ll do with it? Will we see more from the One Percent? It seems like they’ve got to be pretty upset about missing that sushi night triangle…!
This is a huge amount of work, relative to most comics these days, for you, isn’t it? I mean you’re averaging like five panels a page and a TON of dialogue. Nobody’s going to say you’re writing a decompressed book…!
So you had the One Percent and now Ninja Nuns. How long before you have an issue that doesn’t have hilariously awesome villains?