The Walking Dead returned tonight for its sixth season. Among the intensity, were a few witty, humourous one-liners, along with some intense, don’t-mess-with-me proclamations.
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Let’s take a look at some of the best quotes The Walking Dead‘s season six premiere, “First Time Again,” had to offer.
Be warned, spoilers follow if you have not yet watched the season six premiere of The Walking Dead.
Grabbing The Bull
Just when you thought “Mother Dick,” couldn’t be topped, Michael Cudlitz’s Abraham Ford delivers a line to Sasha for the ages.
“I’m just grabbin’ the bull by the nut sack,” Abraham said of his ambitious efforts to get the walker horde to stay on track.
Cudlitzย promised he would top, “Mother Dick,” when I spoke to himย earlier this week. What do you think, does Abraham have a new best line?
Aces Live
While they’re not quite as epic as, “grabbing the bull by the nutsack,” Abrahams manliness continued to ooze from his red handlebar mustache when he hollered, “We’ll do it live!” at the beginning of the episode. It seems like a reference to the internet sensation where Bill O’Reillyย lost his cool and yelled, “F— it, we’ll do it live!” but that happened in 2012, two years after The Walking Dead‘s apocalypse began.
Honorable mention: “Everything is aces, again,” Abraham said to Sashaย after parading walkers around without an apparent care in the world.
Hair Game
Eugene has some pretty unique hair, one might say.
Although his, “Eight ball, corner pocket,” analysis of Rick’s plan was clever, the real best line from Eugene has to be, “I respect the hair game.”
Was he trying to be funny and just resulted in awkwardness? In any case, thank you Scott Gimple and Josh McDermittย for providing us with humor on behalf of Eugene during an emotional episode.

“I don’t take chances anymore,” says Rick. But, does he?
Is the more appropriate best line of the episode, “I thought you don’t take chance anymore?” Boom! Morgan putting Rick in his place for putting lives at risk! Well…not that it really mattered because Carter bowed out anyway, but still.
You Talkin’ To Me?

Rick Grimes delivered one of the most memorable lines of the entire Walking Dead series.
After Carter tried to spring a coup on Rick’s leadership in Alexandria, Rick, Daryl, and Morgan busted in to help their pal Eugene. Rick knocked Carter to the ground and berated him with a gun drawn and ultimately begged the question, “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”