If you’ve been a reader of ComicBook.com for any length of time, you’ll know that one of our all-time most popular stories (and therefore one that shows up all the time in your feed) is a compilation done late last year of our picks for the ten best comic book movies ever made.While this reviewer is not as much a fan of the mainstream, superhero-driven movies as most of the rest of the staff, it’s been an impressive year even just in that regard, with three legitimately good superhero films and a Judge Dredd reboot that was just lights-out. Taking public opinion and the feeling of my editors into account, though, it seemed as though last year’s list was woefully outdated already, and begged for a follow-up.Whereas the last time around, they went from one to ten, I’ll be presenting my list as a countdown, keeping those of you who don’t read this sentence and immediately scroll to the bottom in suspense. Let us know your thoughts in the comments, or on our Facebook and Twitter pages!
Top 10 Comic Book Movies [Updated 2012]
If you’ve been a reader of ComicBook.com for any length of time, you’ll know that one of our […]