
Toys R Us Postpones Liquidation Sales

Consumers flocking to Toys R Us for the start of the toy store chain’s liquidation sales, you […]

Consumers flocking to Toys R Us for the start of the toy store chain’s liquidation sales, you might as well cancel that destination in your GPS today – because it ain’t happening! A wave of social media posts have revealed that Toys R Us’ previously-announced liquidation sales start date has been abandoned or revised “due to unforeseen circumstances.” Consumers were disappointed learn this only after they had already showed up at stores across the country:

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As of writing this, there has been no official explanation for why the sale was postponed. Consumers are going to be eagerly (read: impatiently) waiting for whatever details they can get, so stay tuned to our Toys R Us news page for the latest updates!

After a lot of rumors, it was announced in March that Toy R Us would indeed be phasing out its US stores, of which there are more than 700 currently left open, between the Toys R Us and Babies R Us brands.

The closing of Toys R Us has hit people hard. Many have very fond childhood memories of shopping at a Toys R Us store, or growing up with that “Don’t want to grow up,” jingle in their head. Having the store disappear from the landscape is, for many, akin to losing a piece of childhood.

Toys R Us put out a statement pointing to declining birth rates as major dent in their primary customer base; other consumers believe that it’s the obvious rise in online shopping and megastores like Walmart that has caused specialty stores like Toys R Us or the (now-closed) Sports Authority to become obselete.

Check back with us, as we’ll have the latest updates on what’s happening next with Toys R Us’ liquidation sale.