
Dairy Queen Employee Fired After Marijuana Cake Mixup

Earlier this week a young woman’s birthday cake went viral when, instead of a Moana-themed cake […]

Earlier this week a young woman’s birthday cake went viral when, instead of a Moana-themed cake she received a marijuana-themed cake. The incident, which was a product of a simple misunderstanding, was more funny than upsetting for the birthday girl and her family who certainly have a memorable story to tell for years to come, but for the Dairy Queen employee who actually decorated the viral cake it’s no laughing matter. She was fired over the mistake, one that may not have even been her fault in the first place.

Cassandra Walker, an employee at the Georgia Dairy Queen where the cake mishap occurred, told USA Today that she was actually fired over the incident. Walker explained that it was her manager who actually took the order, misunderstanding Kensli Davis’ mother when she placed the order and thought they were to make a marijuana-themed cake instead of Moana. The manager then passed the actual work of the cake onto Walker, who crafted the cake featuring a marijuana leaf and a marijuana-themed “My Little Pony” character.

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“The manager stood behind me while I pulled the images off the internet,” Walker said. “She walked by as I decorated the cake. As I boxed the cake up, she was the one who walked it up to the front.”

When Davis’ mother collected said cake and discovered the error, the store apologized for the issue and offered to make a new one, though the offer was declined. It’s that part of the story that one of the owners of the Dairy Queen confirmed.

“Our cake decorator designed a cake based on what she thought she heard the customer order. When the customer picked it up and said it was not what she ordered, we immediately apologized for the error and offered to redesign it the way she originally intended. The customer said it was fine, paid for the cake and left,” Al Autry said.

But that wasn’t the end of the story for Walker. She was terminated from her position on Monday — which happened to be her own birthday — after year of service that she says has seen no performance issues.

“It’s not funny to me,” Walker said. “This is back-to-school time. I have two little girls here. I have a care that needs fixing. It’s not funny to me.”

While Walker was offered her job back by a different manager, she said that she declined the offer due to how she was treated in the whole situation.

“It was a mistake. It could have been considered a learning experience,” Walker said. “I would have accepted that. I would have accepted being written up. But to be at this job for almost a year and not have a write-up, not be in trouble, and to just be let go because of a mistake, it’s not funny to me.”