
Watch This Pixels/Avengers Trailer Mash-Up

Although both movies have yet to hit theaters (and are completely unrelated), that doesn’t mean […]

Although both movies have yet to hit theaters (and are completely unrelated), that doesn’t mean you can’t watch the Avengers take on classic video game characters turned villains for Adam Sandler’s Pixels. Thanks to YouTube user, Alex Luthor, we can watch get a pretty clear picture of what the showdown would be like.

The fan-made trailer features footage from the new trailer for Pixels, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and various other films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Maybe Pac-Man would, in fact, be a match for The Hulk or Thor. 

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You can watch the trailer below:

Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theaters May 1, 2015, and you can catch Pixels July 24, 2015.