Earlier today, Funimation and Kodansha Comics pulled a fast one on Attack On Titan fans. The two teamed up to debut the first teaser trailer for the anime‘s second season. The explosive footage had more than enough highlights, but it also left fans with plenty of questions. What is that? Where is this? And, most importantly, just who is that small and deadly Titan fighting against its own kind during the 2-minute clip.
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UP NEXT: Attack On Titan Season 2 To Premiere In April 2017
Well, we’ve got your answer, so spoilers ahead.
Midway through the trailer, fans are treated to an intense action sequence where a short, sharp-toothed Titan can be seen ripping into its brethren. The beady-eyed creature has long hair and talon claws which help it sink into unassuming Titans who get in its way. Since it is fighting back against other Titans, you may be wondering if the creature is actually a Titan Shifter in which case you’d be correct.
In fact, the Titan is one fans have not seen before, and its true identity will send you reeling. Thanks to the Attack On Titan manga, fans know the impish Titan is none other than Ymir, a member of the 104th Training Crops and close friend to Historia Reiss.
Fans met the character back in the first season of Attack On Titan, but there was little reason to think she had Titan Shifting gifts. As a Titan, Ymir is considerably smaller than her contemporaries and has long arms, a big nose, and lethal claws. Lacking any distinct female feature, the Titan is clever than most and is rightly so. Before becoming a human, Ymir wandered outside of Wall Maria for nearly a century as a mindless Titan before she ran into several Titan Shifters. She ate one named Marcel, stealing the boy’s shifting abilities along the way, and Ymir shortly developed a human form. Unsure of humanity, Ymir begged within Wall Sheena and eventually joined the military after hearing about Historia Reiss since the latter was royalty. But, in the world of Titans, Ymir is something of a goddess herself.
Here’s what Funimation had to say about the first Season 2 trailer: “Attack On Titan is set to return in April 2017. See the first glimpse of the new season here in this official promotional video from Kodansha! New titans, new locations, and new human warriors as well as many familiar faces come into play this time around.”
If you are not familiar with Attack On Titan, then you should know the popular anime is renowned for its intense action and gritty storylines. The anime follows a boy named Eren Yeager in an alternate world overrun by massive creatures known as Titans. These mindless beasts have all but wiped out humanity, and mankind is left to cower in fear behind massive walls. When their sanctum is infiltrated by a slew of Titans, Eren and his friends Armin and Mikasa join the military to help eradicate the blood-thirty monsters. But, as they grow older, they learn that the beasts are not what they appear as long-held government conspiracies make themselves known.
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Since Attack On Titan first season wrapped, the series has become an international hit amongst audiences. The first 25-episode season debuted in 2013 and can be streamed online at sights like Hulu. As fans waited for a second season to come around, Attack On Titan has been busy expanding itself into a full-on franchise. The manga has since been adapted into various side manga series, light novels, and even live-action films. In Japan, the first of two films based on the post-apocalyptic series debuted in July 2015 with the second following in September.
Attack On Titan Season 2 will debut in April 2017.