J’onn J’onnz, the Martian Manhunter, occupies a tenuous place within DC Comics at this moment. He was all but abolished from the continuity of the universe during the era of the New 52, playing a role in Stormwatch that was quickly forgotten or ignored by almost every other series surrounding it. This de-emphasis was played out in other media as well, with no appearance in Justice League and a lower status in cartoon adaptations. Things did not always look this bleak for every DC Comics reader’s favorite Martian though.
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He was a founding member of the Justice League in The Brave and The Bold #28, and, while he couldn’t hold onto his own series for long, remained a vital member of that flagship team throughout many eras. Most notably, in the acclaimed runs by writers Keith Giffen and Grant Morrison, Martian Manhunter was treated as a centerpiece around which the rest of the team functioned. He also played a key role in the classic Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons with the team first assembling to rescue their new friend and fellow superhero.
The popularity pendulum for the Martian Manhunter appears to be swinging back in a positive direction now. Following the events of Justice League: No Justice, the Martian Manhunter has taken center stage in the most recent relaunch of Justice League, the series’ best incarnation in the past decade. He will also be featured in an upcoming 12-issue series from the star team of writer Steve Orlando and artist Riley Rossmo, one that promises to dig into his role as a detective.
All of this is a good sign for DC Comics. When Martian Manhunter plays a big part, classic cartoons and series tend to abound. When he is left on the sidelinesโฆ the New 52 happens. This isn’t entirely coincidence either, as the Martian Manhunter isn’t just a great member of the Justice League; he’s the most essential member of the team.

An Amalgam of Origins
One of the most interesting elements about Martian Manhunter being part of the Justice League is how well he organically plays off the rest of the core team. He shares Batman’s keen detective’s mind. He has a similar origin to Superman, both aliens who have lost their homeworld and much of their cultural heritage forever. He is an outsider like Aquaman, dedicated to protecting humanity while his mind and heart may lie elsewhere. He is a constant traveler of the stars and wrapped in the stories of other planets like all of the spacefaring Green Lanterns. And the list goes on and on and on. There is no superhero better suited to bonding with and understanding the diverse collection of individuals that create the Justice League than Martian Manhunter.
This is a key function both in the team dynamics and storytelling for any Justice League adventure. Even when Martian Manhunter is not the designated leader, he plays a leadership role by keeping the peace and providing each hero with at least one person who understands their struggles. His empathic nature and telepathy only enhance his natural bonds with the team. Those same powers also open the door for creators to more easily explore the team as individuals, friendships, and a collective. There is simply no better guide to this colorful combination of individuals with radically different origins, powers, and mindsets than the Martian Manhunter.

The Ultimate Outsider
The Justice League is supposed to express what is best about humanity; they are the pinnacle of courage, compassion, and will coming together to save everyone. More than any of his fellow members, Martian Manhunter is the hero who chose Earth and humanity as his protectorate. While Superman is an alien and Wonder Woman a god, they both have strong ties to the people of Earth from birth. Martian Manhunter is a refugee, without a home or people to call his own, who found Earth. Despite having lost his family and culture, he dedicates himself to serving mankind and becoming a valuable member of his adoptive society. This choice is the sort of essential goodness that the Justice League strives to embody.
What makes the Martian Manhunter’s choice all the more remarkable is that he is familiar with his adopted species’ worst possible instincts. As a telepath, J’onn J’onnz has explored the minds of terrifying criminals who have committed horrific acts. He knows the dark side of humanity and, more significantly, even the darkness within those he holds in a high regard. Despite possessing so many reasons to not love his adopted homeworld, the Martian Manhunter only fights harder for the goodness that he sees within his team and all across Earth. This choice is essential to understanding what makes him one of the planet’s greatest heroes and an icon that inspires fellow superheroes every bit as much as the everyday citizens he rescues.

The Heart of the Team
Both his intimate ties to his teammates and incredible love for Earth make Martian Manhunter an important member of the Justice League. What makes him the team’s greatest member is his central role to their cohesive functioning. Creators and readers might argue that Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, or any other classic Leaguer are the best superhero on Earth, but it’s that status that will also define them as being separate from the Justice League in someway. They will always have commitments and stories that pull them away from this inspiring collection. The Martian Manhunter is the one member capable of putting his entire self into maintaining both his adopted family in the form of the Justice League and protecting his adopted planet, Earth in all of its complexities.
After having lost one planet, the Martian Manhunter is a survivor and refugee dedicated to making sure his new home never knows suffering like he experienced. That is the driving force that places him at the center of the Justice League and leaves him more dedicated to the team’s mission than any other member. Whether he is maintaining individual relationships or telepathically guiding everyone in a rescue mission, Martian Manhunter is the heart and soul of the team. That is why he is the Justice League’s greatest member.