The world of DC’s hit Batman: White Knight series is expanding with a new spinoff series, and it stars none other than Harley Quinn. The new DC Black Label series is titled Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn, and will be written by Katana Collins, who is also the wife of Sean Murphy, the writer and creator of the White Knight universe. They’ll be working together on a DC title for the first time with Harley Quinn, which will have the gorgeous artwork of Matteo Scalera and Dave Stewart, as well as covers by Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth. As for the story, it will take place 2 years after Curse of the White Knight, and will focus on Harley helping the Gotham PD investigate a series of gruesome murders while also raising her children and confronting her past with The Joker and Batman. You can get a preview of the issue starting on the next slide.
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“Working with Sean has allowed us to leverage our creative partnership’s best advantages,” Collins said. “Living and working together lets us be constant sounding boards for each other and that back and forth feedback has been a huge help and inspiration in crafting my vision of Harley Quinn for this story.”
“While developing Batman: White Knight and Batman: Curse of the White Knight, it became clear that there were rich backgrounds and stories to explore beyond the main series,” Murphy said. “I couldn’t be more excited to work alongside Katana, Matteo, and Matt Hollingsworth to enrich and expand this world in a way that’s just as rewarding for new readers as it is for loyal Batman: White Knight fans.”
You can find the official description for Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn below.
“Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn takes place two years after Curse of the White Knight. Azrael has wiped out criminals in Gotham, Jack Napier (formerly The Joker) is dead, Bruce Wayne (Batman) is in prison, and Harley Quinn is adjusting to life as a single mother, raising the twins she had with Jack. But as new villains arise, Harley is forced to dance with madness once again and confront her own past with The Joker and Batman while helping the Gotham City police and an eager young FBI agent uncover the truth behind a series of gruesome murders.”
Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn hits comic stores on Tuesday, October 20th, and you can check out a full preview of the series starting on the next slide.