The launch of DC’s newest Green Lantern series brought Hal Jordan back to his home planet of Earth, but there were several mysteries connected to his return. Jordan left the Green Lantern Corps after the change in leadership, but it wasn’t revealed what actually led to his departure. Since his return, he has also frequently spoken to Kilowog, though Kilowog was assumed to still be in space with the Corps, and that’s why he was in construct form. That is revealed not to be the case though in the last issue’s final scene, as Kilowog has died, and Green Lantern #7 reveals the heroic and yet tragic death of the fan-favorite Lantern. Spoilers are incoming from here so you’ve been warned.
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The issue begins with the United Planets taking over for the Guardians, and their first decision isn’t met with a great reception. They reveal that due to the limited amount of Lanterns still left, they need to grow the decimated ranks over time, and until they can recruit enough new members, they need to cut off the problem areas of the universe and focus on the places where they can effect the most change.

That leads to the quarantining of sector 2814, and as you might expect, the decision goes over like a pile of bricks for the 2814 Lanterns. Jordan is already thinking of leaving but there’s an urgent assignment that teams him up with Kilowog. Unfortunately, that mission to is protect Premier Thaaros during a diplomatic mission to Korugar, which is of course ruled by Sinestro. This leads to Jordan and Sinestro getting into it a bit, and Jordan is told to go back to the ship, but on his way back he sees something suspicious.
It turns out he’s right, as there is a trio of assassins who are trying to kill Thaaros. They are part of the Sinestro Corps and attack the meeting, knocking Sinestro back, but Kilowog leaps into action to defend him, taking on all three by himself. Jordan secures Thaaros and then races off to find Kilowog. Kilowog fights them valiantly but at one point he looks as if he’s beaten. He’s got one last charge in him though, and he pushes the three into the sky.
Jordan catches up to them but as he does the Power Batter starts to overload with power. It then explodes, and Kilowog and the three attackers are right in the midst of the blast, and it takes out all four of them. We don’t see what happened right after, but from Kilowog’s confirmation last issue, he did apparently die, at least as far as Jordan and Sinestro know. You can find the official description for Green Lantern #7 below.
“THE DEATH OF A MAJOR GREEN LANTERN CHARACTER REVEALED! After his explosive confrontation with Sinestro, Green Lantern is confronted by the United Planets Lanterns for illegally operating within the quarantine zone, and the mystery of what took place on Korugar is finally revealed! PLUS: THE FINALE TO THE ORIGIN OF SINSON, AND THE LEAD-IN TO THE NEW SINISTER SONS SERIES!”
What did you think of the issue? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things comics and DC with me on Threads @mattaguilarcb!