
Robert Kirkman Explains Why Spawn and Other Image Characters Didn’t Appear in Invincible TV Show (Exclusive)

Kirkman tried to make the Invincible War true to the comics. 

One of the coolest things about the Invincible War storyline in the Invincible comics is that it ends up being an event that brings together a ton of different characters that belong to publisher Image. Outside of those unique to the Invincible universe, characters like Spawn, Witchblade, Savage Dragon, Pitt, and so many others end up joining forces to fight off the horde of invading Invincibles from other dimensions. Unfortunately, in Season 3 of Invincible on Prime Video, these same Image cameos didn’t end up coming about in the episode dedicated to the Invincible War. Despite this, Invincible co-creator Robert Kirkman says that this doesn’t mean there weren’t attempts to make it happen.

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Speaking to ComicBook, Kirkman said that there were discussions behind the scenes with those at Image about trying to fold in different characters tied to the label. Kirkman, who acknowledged that he’s a massive fan of the early era of Image, said it would have been a thrill for him to spotlight those characters within the Invincible TV series. Perhaps expectedly, though, Kirkman said it was a logistical disaster to try to make happen, even if those in charge at Image were open to the idea. Kirkman added that jumping through all of the needed hoops for this crossover would have ultimately delayed work on Invincible Season 3 further, which meant the plan was scrapped.

“There were definitely some conversations that were had,” Kirkman said. “At the end of the day, it was going to be such a complicated and drawn-out process that may not have worked out. It was decided that it was not something realistic that could be done. I think pretty much everybody [at Image] was somewhat on board with it, but logistically, it was just an absolute nightmare. Because production was moving at the rate it was moving, the legality of it all couldn’t be sorted in time.”

“I would have absolutely killed to have been in the recording booth with people playing those characters, watched animatics with those characters, and see them come to life,” he continued. “That would have been really cool for me. It would’ve been a nice thing to do but, again, just didn’t come together.”

Whether or not this means that Image characters won’t end up appearing in Invincible at all during its run on Prime Video isn’t yet known. While details are still sparse, Season 4 of Invincible seems to be introducing a new storyline not seen in the comics that will involve hell. Given Spawn’s ties to hell, in particular, perhaps this means that the character created by Todd McFarlane could make a brief appearance. For now, though, it sounds like any and all Image character cameos in Invincible are unlikely.