Marvel Comics just wrapped its major summer event, the epic space opera of the Avengers and Fantastic Four crossover story titled Empyre. Though the event concluded with its sixth issue, two epilogue Aftermath issues followed, one focusing on the Fantastic Four and the other on the Avengers. Al Ewing and Valeri Schiti worked on the Empyre Aftermath: Avengers, The story reveals the dissolution of an organization that has played a major role in Marvel Universe events for the past several years before going on to tease the return of another organization to take its place. SPOILERS for Empyre Aftermath: Avengers #1 by Al Ewing and Valeri Schiti follow.
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The Avengers made a major mistake in Empyre. They took it upon themselves to unilaterally decide what should be done once they discovered the Cotati on the moon and learned of the approaching Kree-Skrull fleet. As we see in Aftermath: Avengers, this ruffled the feathers of Abigail Brand, the head of Alpha Flight. Alpha Flight is tasked with monitoring space and protecting the Earth from interstellar threats. Brand takes the Avengers leaving Alpha Flight out of the loop as a personal and professional slight.
Brand lets Captain Marvel know, rather forcefully, that she is done with Alpha Flight. She then storms out of Wiccan and Hulkling’s wedding reception, signaling the end of the organization.
But Brand plans to build something better in its place. The end of the issue flashes forward, showing brand, Manifold, and other individuals shown only in shadow coming to the aid of Hulking after he and his Kree-Skrull Empire have suffered a serious defeat. It’s unclear what this new organization is, but the “X” design on Brand’s uniform hints at a connection to Krakoa. Could SWORD, the Brand organization that preceded Alpha Flight in the role of interstellar defense, be resurrected in Alpha Flight’s place?
Empyre Aftermath: Avengers #1 is on sale now.
Empyre Aftermath: Avengers #1
(W) Al Ewing (A) Valerio Schiti (CA) Jim Cheung
โข The end of EMPYRE begins a new age for the Marvel Universe!
โข In the aftermath of the cosmic conflict, the forces gather one last time… but why? And at whose bidding?
โข New bonds will be forged, new families will be founded, and there’s a new role waiting for Earth… but new destinies bring new dangers – and new enemies!
โข Welcome to the new Marvel Space Age, true believer – hope you survive the experience!
Rated T+
In Shops: Sep 09, 2020
SRP: $4.99