The Avengers find themselves attempting to survive the Age of Khonshu these days, and they’ve managed to make some headway in battling Khonshu and his Fist Moon Knight despite the overwhelming odds. Black Panther especially made his point after giving Moon Knight a thumping in Avengers #36, but not everything was as it initially seemed, and Panther’s words before and during the fight had a profound effect on Marc Spector. So much in fact that this fight paved the way for one of if not the most powerful force in the Marvel Universe to make a return, which was none other than the Phoenix Force, and it has a new host. Spoilers coming in for Avengers #36 so you’ve been warned.
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During the fight between Moon Knight and Black Panther Panther makes a point to say that Khonshu has manipulated Spector and forced him to see things that aren’t there, which is ultimately quite true. Spector then reveals later on that he stopped being manipulated early on, and when Panther asks why he is still fighting Spector says he took Panther’s advice about praying to someone else.
The fight is brutal but ultimately Panther starts to get the upper hand, so much so that Spector is a rather bloody mess when Panther starts to walk away. Spector reaches out to him and says “Finish it. Have to…finish the prayer.”

Panther tells him “If you wish to die for your sins, my fists shall not serve as your means of suicide Moon Knight.” Spector responds “Not die. It wants me to bleed. If you…won’t do it…I know someone who will.”
He then punches himself in the face and continues to do so until a shocking thing happens, which Spector’s narration alludes to. “Khonshu has lost himself to fear,” Spector narrates. “But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. More power is needed. That’s why I had to pray. Had to show my sacrifice. Though not to the moon or the stars. To the thing that eats them.”
We then see a fiery presence head towards Spector, and all he utters is one word. “Amen”
We then see Spector join with the Phoenix Force, and the new host then narrates “My name is Marc Spector. The Fist of the Phoenix. And from here on out, I don’t pray to anyone. Except myself.”
We know a Phoenix focused event is coming up next in Avengers, and it seems we owe Moon Knight all the credit for starting all the chaos.
Avengers #36 is written by Jason Aaron and drawn by Javier Garron, and you can find the official description below.
THE AGE OF KHONSHU PRESENTS THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY! Moon Knight versus the Black Pantherโfor the fate of reality.
Avengers #36 is in comic stores now.
What did you think of the issue? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things comics with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!