
Spider-Man’s Forgotten Sidekick Stars in Marvel’s Spider-Boy #1 Preview

Remember Spider-Boy? Bailey Briggs returns in November’s Spider-Boy #1.

Spider-Boy, Spider-Boy, does whatever a Spider-Boy does… what does a Spider-Boy do, anyway? Apparently, the pint-size pun-maker throws down with one of his deadliest foes: Gutterball, the bowling alley bandit. The bowling ball-headed baddie strikes out in preview pages from Marvel’s Spider-Boy #1 (out November 1st), starring Spider-Man’s secret sidekick. Young Bailey Briggs — the unforgettable and spectacular Spider-Boy — has been forgotten by everyone who ever knew him… including Spider-Man. (In Dan Slott and Mark Bagley’s Spider-Man, Spider-Boy was one of the Spider-People severed from the Web of Life and Destiny by the ancient Wasp totem Shathra, erasing him from existence.)

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After Araña rewove the fabric of reality to restore the erased Spiders, including the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman and the Kaine Parker Scarlet Spider, the psychic Madame Web confirmed that Bailey Briggs belongs to Earth-616. So why doesn’t anyone remember him? In Spider-Boy #1, Bailey is the only one who recalls the three years he spent helping out as Spider-Boy — only for the Daily Bugle to brand the bug as an “urban myth or a monster among us.”


“Spider-Man isn’t supposed to have a sidekick. That’s just wrong onso many levels. And that is exactly why we are going to have so much funwith this,” Slott, writer of Spider-Boy, told”Both this character—and this new title—are going to break all therules. Bailey Briggs is going to have over-the-top adventures in theSpider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe. He’ll be facing off against amix of both all-new villains and fan-favorite Spidey bad guys. The onething we can promise you, whenever you pick up a copy of Spider-Boy,we are going to take the weirdest and wildest swings with every singlestory! Our goal is to get every reader to ask two questions: ‘What inthe hell did I just read?!’ and ‘When is the NEXT one coming out?!’”

Written by Slott (The Amazing Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man) with art by Paco Medina (X-Men: Before the Fall – Sinister Four), Spider-Boy #1 swings onto stands November 1st. Check out the preview pages below.

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