New Spawn Costume Revealed

Spawn just got its 300th issue on Wednesday, and part of the celebration included Todd McFarlane's [...]

Spawn just got its 300th issue on Wednesday, and part of the celebration included Todd McFarlane's creation getting a new costume. Spawn has received a number of costume tweaks in the past, looks that featured everything from spike overload and cowboy boots to bandanas and even wings at one point. The newest look keeps some trademarks of the suit, i.e the white stripe on the chest and mask and that flowing red cape, but also ditches a few things in favor of something more raw...and we use that term literally in this case.

Spoilers incoming for Spawn #300, so if you haven't read the issue yet you've been warned.

None of those tweaks come close to what happened in Spawn #300. Spawn confronts Violator and Godsend in a bloody and brutal battle, but ultimately their combined might seems to be too much for him to overcome. Violator then takes the symbiote piece by piece off of Spawn's body, leaving a bare corpse in its place. As they leave though Spawn lights the spark he's been waiting to light this entire time, and the blast that results leaves everything in a wide radius in ash and fire.

(Photo: Image)

He then walks out of the fire towards Violator and Godsend, and Violator asks how he can be alive without his suit and his powers. That's when Spawn explains to him that those aren't what give him his powers, and starts to put his suit together piece by piece. He uses the ashes of those fallen to recreate his white markings and then replicates his chains by wrapping pieces of barbed wire around his arms.

He then picks up a tattered red cape and puts it around his neck, followed by a burning skull that he places right in the center of his abdomen into his skin.

Last but not least is the spikes, which are nails and other shrapnel that he picks up and stabs through his own hands. He emerges from all this by declaring "I Am Spawn", and you can check out the final result in the image above.

Spawn #300 is written by Todd McFarlane and Scott Snyder with art by McFarlane, Jerome Opena, J. Scott Campbell, Jason Shawn Alexander, and Greg Capullo, and you can check out the official description for the book below.

"SPAWN MAKES HISTORY! With this 300th issue, SPAWN becomes the longest-running independent series in comic book history. To celebrate, legendary artists TODD McFARLANE and GREG CAPULLO return with ALL-NEW interior pencils, with additional art provided by JASON SHAWN ALEXANDER, J. SCOTT CAMPBELL, and JEROME OPEÑA, a cavalcade of celebratory covers, and additional writing by SCOTT SNYDER! And next month, RECORDS WILL BE BROKEN with SPAWN #301! Retailers: see order form for incentives."

Spawn #300 is in stores now.