AfterShock’s We Live has taken the comics world by storm, with a second and third printing on the way, and has become one of the standout books two issues in a row. Issue #3 hits comic stores tomorrow, but you can get an exclusive preview of the new issue right here, and all you have to do is scroll down a bit to get a look at what writers Inaki and Roy Miranda and colorist Eva de la Cruz have in store. As you can see, they are just looking to wreck me in all sorts of ways, as thanks to a number of chaotic events, Hototo and Tala find themselves trapped in a laboratory of some kind with a mysterious individual known as Dr. Zeus and creatures that only want to use them as experimental guinea pigs, and they have to find a way out not just to catch the transport but for their very survival.
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“This issue is really about the two sides of the human heart, what hope and obsession can do to a life. It is also about accepting loss while coping with the pain that it brings. To live is to lose in many ways. Zeus is our Captain Ahab,” Inaki Miranda said.
You can check out the new preview above and below, and the good news is you only have to wait a day to read the full issue if you’re on pins and needles like me.

As for the success of the book, the Miranda Brothers have been overwhelmed by the response and couldn’t be more thrilled fans are enjoying the ride.
“I’m frankly overwhelmed by the emotional response that We Live is receiving. Roy and I are very grateful to AfterShock for trusting in this series from day one. This book is about hope and despair in equal parts, but right now I feel like hope is winning the battle by going onto a second printing! Many, many thanks to everyone who picked up the book and has allowed Tala and Hototo to enter their hearts. They won’t regret it,” Inaki Miranda said.

“I think there’s no better gift for us than seeing how the readers have chosen to embrace We Live with a full heart, jumping into its pages to share the burden of the characters. So thanks so much from the Miranda Brothers. Now we just need to follow the siblings to the end of their journey; I promise that it’s going to be an incredible and unexpected ride,” Roy Miranda said.

You can find the official description for We Live #3 below.
“Luck has abandoned the group. Humbo and Alice have lost track of their newfound friends, Tala and Hototo. The siblings are being held prisoner and will soon discover that the world hides dark corners, where screams of help are no more than fallen spirits.
Meanwhile, time runs out for Hototo; the shuttle train to Megalopolis Mother 9 is about to depart.”
We Live #3 is in comics stores on December 16th.
Let us know what you thought of the preview in the comments or as always you can feel free to talk all things comics with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!