Zack Snyder has gotten a lot of criticism for the way he launched the DC Films Universe (no longer referred to as the DC Extended Universe), as many DC Comics fans felt that Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were too dark and somber to probably reflect the optimism and heroesim of the DC Universe.
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When Snyder returned to helm Justice League, many fans started to worry that they would be getting the same dark and somber tone as the last two films. However, in a new Empire magazine feature on Justice League (via CBM), it’s revealed that Snyder always intended the DC Films Universe to start off in a dark place, and move towards the light of Justice League.
Here’s what Empire‘s feature reveals about behind-the-scenes discussions over Justice League‘s tone, specifically a discussion between Zack Snyder and Justice League star Ezra Miller (The Flash):
“The first time I ever sat in Zack’s office, he told me people were mad at him for making things too dark.” Adding that Snyder told him the darkness of Gotham needed to extend to the other heroes before Justice League as “Zack always intended for the Justice League to rise out of the darkness, and maybe even bring Batman with them. Maybe an inch.”
Man of Steel was all about a fledgling Superman struggling to find his place in the modern world; Batman v Superman was all about Superman becoming a beacon of hope in the dark world that had created The Batman. To discerning fans, Justice League has always been about Superman’s sacrifice inspiring a new “Age of Heroes,” so it’s clear that Snyder had a pathway to follow, even if a lot fans didn’t enjoy the journey.
Justice League will be in theaters on November 17th.