Ever since the first episode of Gotham aired in 2014, the show has been building towards the eventual transformation of young Bruce Wayne into one of the most iconic heroes in history: Batman. That transformation will finally take place at the end of this last season, as some of the series finale will take place in a flash-forward scenario, showing a fully-realized Batman fighting crime in the streets of Gotham City.
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What we don’t know is exactly how long Batman will be on the screen this season, and Gotham star Ben McKenzie didn’t offer too much clarity on the situation. McKenzie appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday night, and the host asked him how much Batman could actually be expected, after fans have been waiting five whole seasons to see him.
“It’s going to me for minutes,” McKenzie joked, “a long, long time.”
After a couple of laughs with Kimmel, McKenzie went on to say that he “can’t reveal” exactly how long Batman will be on the screen, though there are only a few episodes left so don’t expect too much.
Cameron Monaghan, who plays Jeremiah Valeska on the series, sang a bit of a different tune when asked about the introduction of Batman. He noted earlier this year that there would be an entire episode dedicated to the Caped Crusader, likely the series finale.
“I will say we’ve been given certain liberties in this final season that we haven’t been given before that’s going to make itself pretty apparent as you watch it,” Monaghan said. “All I’ll say is when you have an episode that’s a full-on Batman episode running around in the future, you’re going to have characters that you’ll expect to see. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say at this point that it’s 10 years in the future โ that’s been talked about openly by the producers and showrunners โ I don’t want to say exactly what my role in that is, but it was kick ass. It’s one of the coolest opportunities I’ve ever had.”
Are you looking forward to the debut of Batman on Gotham? Let us know in the comments!
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