The Batman Filming Location Reveals Gothic Look

The Batman is in the process of bringing Gotham City to life, using some of the more gothic [...]

The Batman is in the process of bringing Gotham City to life, using some of the more gothic looking locations which the London area has to offer. Now, another filming location has been revealed, as Glasgow Cathedral is being used for an unknown location in Gotham City. This is one of several reveals from the upcoming The Batman movie recently, as the director Matt Reeves revealed the first look at Robert Pattinson as the titular DC Comics hero in his full costume on Thursday afternoon. The film is expected to move into Glasgow in late February.

"Roads affected and dates and times of restriction applying to all vehicles with the exception of an emergency service vehicle carrying out an emergency response or vehicles given permission from Glasgow City Council Filming and Events section," the Glasgow Council said in aa statement.

Check out a photo of the Glasgow Cathedral as it was posted to Reddit below.

OTHER: Glasgow Cathedral - location for ‘The Batman’ filming this week from r/DC_Cinematic

Speaking to at a press event for War for the Planet of the Apes in 2017, Reeves spilled his perspective on the upcoming Batman film for the first time. "Look, I'm just starting Batman because literally, [War for the Planet of the Apes], as I just said, we finished about a week ago and now we're publicizing it," Reeves said. "So, we haven't even begun on Batman. For me, what's always important is to try and find a personal way in. In that way, I do feel like I relate to actors. It's about understanding emotionally, the way something is. I see this parallel between Caesar and Batman, really, which is this idea of these characters who are grappling with their own struggle and trying to do the right thing in an imperfect world and, so, I do really relate it to that kind of idea."

The Batman stars Pattinson with Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as The Riddler, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Colin Farrell, Peter Sarsgaard, Jayme Lawson, and Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon.

What do you think of all The Batman news dropping so far? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram and Twitter.

The Batman is set for release on June 25, 2021.