During one of the wide, swooping shots of the Gotham skyline in Suicide Squad, one eagle-eyed viewer seems to have discovered a heretofore un-noticed “Easter egg” in the form of the name “Falcone.”
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Readers who aren’t regular comic book readers (or Gotham viewers) may not recognize the name of organized crime figure Carmine Falcone, a major player in Gotham City’s underworld, but his is thelatest name to be inserted into the skyline in an attempt to nod at the comics.
In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Axis Chemical made a similar appearance — which begs the question: could Suicide Squad‘s Easter egg be a precursor of things to come? Certainly Falcone appearing in The Batman isn’t all that farfetched.
On the other hand, Blaze Comics — the company that publishes Booster Gold’s licensed adventures in the DC Universe — appeared in the skyline of Man of Steel, and that didn’t pay off. Sometimes an Easter egg is just an Easter egg.
The shot, which you can see below, was captured by “roythejewboy” on the DC Extended Universe subreddit.
It isn’t exactly clear which shot this is, or where in the movie it came from, so while there’s no real reason to believe the shot isn’t genuine, we’ll call this an “apparent” and not “confirmed” Easter egg for the sake of full disclosure. When we have a minute to scour the extended cut of the movie for Easter eggs and references on Friday, we will try to keep our eyes peeled especially for this one.

While Falcone wasn’t explicitly referenced in Batman v Superman, there is reason to believe the character exists in the world of the movie: a tie-in book designed to look like one of those city dining and tourism guides — Time-Out Shortlist: Gotham and Metropolis — mentioned Falcone’s nightclub, among other familiar DC Universe locations like Big Belly Burger, the Ace o’ Clubs Tavern, and the Iceberg Lounge.
Suicide Squad is due on Blu-ray and DVD next month, but you can get it now on streaming services like Vudu, Amazon, and iTunes.