Arrow Recap With Spoilers: Lost in the Flood

The episode opens where the last one left off: Oliver and Diggle are trying to kill a [...]


The episode opens where the last one left off: Oliver and Diggle are trying to kill a seemingly-omnipotent Darhk, who leaves the room to go take control of Rubicon, leaving the two incapacitated. They make their way out of his chamber of horrors just in time for it to collapse.

In the Ark, Thea wakes up and tries to make a phone call, but Merlyn and a number of Ghosts show up. Alex is dead, Machin is gone, and Merlyn has Thea taken into custody.

At Felicity's apartment, The Calculator turns off a news report about the nuclear attack. Curtis comes to see them, and is impressed by Kuttler. Felicity gets a message and leaves the pair in charge of trying to figure out the Rubicon issue.

At H.I.V.E. home base, they've brought in Felicity's ex-girlfriend to try and wrest control of Rubicon from Noah and Felicity.

In the Lair, Lance is watching the news reports and panicking. Oliver can't get in touch with Thea, but Felicity's in touch with her: she gets a GPS tag from the Glades on Thea's location, and Oliver and Diggle go off to find her.

On the island, Oliver and Taiana are making their way to their escape when a pair of Reiter's soldiers show up and shoot both of them. Oliver falls down, but Taiana is seemingly invulnerable — which gives Oliver the opportunity to shoot the men, and their spirits fill Taiana.

At the Ark, Merlyn lectures Thea, telling her that he doesn't want to drug her to ensure her compliance, but he will. She tells him to get it over with.

In the Glades Oliver and Diggle can't see anything. Oliver quickly figures out that there's sewer access that shouldn't be there, and dives in.

In the Ark, Ruve is unhappy with the fact that Machin and Team Arrow are still problems. She tells Merlyn to get rid of Oliver.

At the Lair, Curtis texts Felicity that there's an emergency. She runs home to find Donna and Noah fighting while Curtis drinks at her desk.

Donna isn't happy about Felicity being with Kuttler. The argument finally escalates to the point where Felicity has to admit to Donna that she works with the Green Arrow. Donna is upset about this, but finally lets Felicity get back to work saving the world.

Kuttler and Felicity get to work.

On the Ark, Oliver and Diggle scope out the town, looking for Thea. Oliver finds Alex's body and realizes that this must be the place, so he enters, taking out a couple of Ghosts, but Thea decides to fight him instead of escaping, holding a gun on him and calling Merlyn.

Oliver tries to reason with her, but Merlyn and a group of Ghosts come to get him and gloat that Oliver won't kill him. Diggle takes out the Ghosts, and both Oliver and Merlyn make their way out in the melee that ensues while Thea starts shooting. Outside, Oliver and Diggle are being fired on by a handful of Ghosts, whom they manage to slowly take out as they make their escape into a basement.

At H.I.V.E. Headquarters, Darhk is impatient with the lack of progress getting Rubicon back.

In the building Oliver and Diggle have entered, they find a family who's scared to see them. As they tell the family that they mean no harm, Ruve gets on TV to announce that the citizens of the Ark must find and kill Oliver and Diggle.

On Lian Yu, Taiana gleefully takes up the idol. She wants to take on Kovar, a dictator in Russia who has ground her town under his heel. Oliver tells her that they'l do that, but first they have to help the rest of the people on the island.

Curtis suggests they should overload Rubicon with access requests and cause it to collapse.

While they try to do it, Felicity's parents bicker. Ultimately Cooper gets control of Felicity's system.

While Cooper starts sending power surges to Felicity, Curtis figures out a way to reverse the attack, blowing up his computer and knocking him away from it. Darhk isn't pleased. Rubicon is knocked offline.

Felicity calls Noah "Dad" and Donna leaves.

On the Ark, Diggle is losing his patience with the family, who preach about how they're there because they believe the world is beyond salvation.

On Lian Yu, Oliver and Taiana join the fight against Reiter's men, Taiana's magic bringing her power. When they find a dying man, Oliver wants her to help him but instead she wants to shoot him to make herself stronger.

At Felicity's apartment, Donna is organizing Felicity's laundry. Felicity approaches her and Donna admits the she took Felicity and left Noah, and let her believe he abandoned them. Donna is worried that there lies will make her lose Felicity, and she apologizes, but Felicity says she'll never lose her.

On the Ark, Oliver and Diggle ziptie the family, but Oliver is starting to believe Darhk's propaganda. Ghosts come to kill them, and Oliver makes his way out a back door, only to be attacked by Thea. Diggle stays in the house to fight off Ghosts.

Oliver manages to convince Thea to fight off the programming, and the pair run inside to find John having just taken out a pair of Ghosts and about to be killed by Merlyn. They stop Merlyn and Thea says she's going to kill him if he drugs her again.

Before he can respond, Machin gets on the TV, live from the Ark's command bunker. He's got Darhk's wife and daughter tied up and tells Darhk that he's going to kill one of them in 20 minutes and then a minute after rather he's going to blow up the Ark.

Oliver tells the family to abandon the Ark, and tells Team Arrow that Merlyn is right: they're going to take out Machin. he tells Merlyn to stay behind and help people evacuate.

On Lian Yu, Oliver tells Taiana that he can't let her just kill people to get more powerful, but she tosses him aside and kills the dying man.

In the H.I.V.E. bunker, Ruve lectures Machin about how he's planning to take out the last save place on the planet.

Team Arrow shows up to stop Machin, who says he's tinkered with the power source of the bunker, so a stray shot could send the whole place up. When Oliver says they're not letting him go, Machin sets off an explosion, then stabs Ruve with an arrow that Oliver had fired into him moments before.

In the Ark, Merlyn starts evacuating people as explosions start to rock the streets.

In the bunker, Team Arrow fights Machin as the building starts to collapse around them. Oliver saves Darhk's daughter. Sachin retreats, as does Diggle, and Oliver stops to try to save Ruve, but she's trapped under rocks and tells him there's no time, and to save her daughter. He promises her that he will, and Team Arrow rushes out with the girl in tow.

Cooper wakes up, but before Darhk can get him working on hacking projects, a H.I.V.E. operative tells him that they've got problems. Outside, parts of the city are starting to collapse in explosions.

In the streets above the Ark, Team Arrow is looking at a huge pit where the Glades used to be.

Felicity tells Oliver that Rubicon is secure, and Oliver says that the city is safe, but there are still people who need saving.

On Lian Yu, while Oliver and Taiana bicker, Reiter comes and threatens to kill them.

At the H.I.V.E. command center, Merlyn delivers the news that Ruve is dead. Darhk plans to destroy the world even though there's no place left to be safe, in retaliation for what happened to Ruve.

At Felicity's apartment, Donna tells Noah to leave and stay gone, that he's dangerous to Felicity. He protests that it will hurt her, but Donna persists, asking him if he really believes that leaving isn't the best thing for her.

Curtis and Felicity talk about her parents' relationship, too; Curtis draws parallels between her breakup with Oliver and her parents' breakup. Donna comes in to tell Felicity that her father is going away for a while. Darhk enters, telling her that he needs a favor. When she tells him to go to hell, he says he's going to bring it to them instead.