Arrow Finale Gives Thea and Roy a Major Status Quo Change

After eight seasons and countless episodes, The CW's Arrow officially came to a close on Tuesday [...]

After eight seasons and countless episodes, The CW's Arrow officially came to a close on Tuesday night. The series, which kick-started the network's current DCTV universe, has given fans plenty of characters to root for over the course of its run. The show's series finale certainly dealt with that fact in spades, with plenty of long-awaited interactions and reconciliations between the ever-growing ensemble. This was especially the case for two of the show's oldest characters - Thea Queen/Speedy (Willa Holland) and Roy Harper/Arsenal (Colton Haynes). Spoilers for Arrow's series finale, "Fadeout", below! Only look if you want to know!

The episode followed the various people in Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) life, as they mourned his death during the recent "Crisis on Infinite Earths". Oliver's sacrifice - and the fact that it created a whole new universe in the process - weighed heavy on quite a lot of the heroes, including Roy. As Roy spoke to Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy), he realized that Oliver's choice made him want to reconcile with Thea, after they had broken things off following Roy getting thrown into a Lazarus Pit and becoming overcome with bloodlust.

Roy - donning his Arsenal costume - met up with Thea on a rooftop in Star City, where they spoke about the way their relationship had previously ended. Roy then asked Thea if she could forgive him -- and if she would marry him. We didn't initially see Thea's answer until the two of them met once again in the Queen Mansion, where Thea accepted Roy's proposal.

The moment is an endearing conclusion to Thea and Roy's years-long journey on Arrow, something that the show's creative team saw as a priority.

"We felt it was important for Roy and Thea to reconcile," Arrow producer Marc Guggenheim told "The idea of them getting engaged, that was a last-minute notion that I came up with when I was working on those scenes. Basically [showrunner] Beth [Schwartz] and I, we always felt like they got to end up together. The problem was we've broken them up and gotten them back together so much over the course of eight years that when I was working in those scenes, I felt like we had done this before, because we had."

"I felt like the only way to sort of make these scenes worthy of being in the finale is if we took them to a place we've never taken them, which is actually, we've never had them commit to each other this way," Guggenheim continued." We've never put them on a marriage track. And that's what made their reconciliation scene in this episode different from the lesions of reconciliation seems we've written for them over the previous eight years."

What did you think of Thea and Roy's big step in the Arrow series finale? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!