During an interview with ComicBook.com earlier this week, Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle revealed that Rene Ramirez — the costumed crimefighter known as Wild Dog — would be getting some more character development as the series winds down, even as things start to get crazier and more hectic for the team.
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That’s no surprise to fans who just finished watching “Dangerous Liaisons,” an episode in which Rene was reunited with his daughter for the first time since he lost custody of her in flashbacks detailed earlier this season. What’s arguably more surprising is that Mericle made it sound like that same daughter is very much someone who could be on Prometheus’s radar for the rest of the season.
“We are going to get a little bit more under his story, especially with respect to what we set up in 513 where we see his daughter, but it’s going to be in the context of much bigger things happening,” Mericle said.”Our objective was to keep deepening that story. It serves to raise the stakes a lot in terms of what’s happening with Chase and Oliver and the team, and it’s a great platform for us to go into season 6 with.”
When we pressed her regarding whether Rene’s daughter, Oliver’s son, or other rarely-seen characters might end up chained in a box car or held hostage on Lian Yu, Mericle wouldn’t clarify — but whatever producers have planned certainly sounds menacing.
“I think Chase is going to pull out every stop he has,” Mericle said. “I’m not going to commit one way or another to who he’s targeting, but I will tell you that it will be very much in keeping with what he’s done with Oliver so far, and he’s going to hit him where it hurts the most.”
With the episode’s final moments setting up a better relationship for Rene and his daughter, followed immediately by a power play by Prometheus, who is now back in Star City, that might be a bad sign.
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. The series returned from a mini-hiatus this week to burn through the final episodes of the season, which ends in late May.
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