You remember how fast Michael Keaton said he knew Batman Forever was going to suck?
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Well, imagine if you will a world where director Joel Schumacher had set his sights a little higher, and decided to try and make the look and feel of his Batman movies match the pair that preceded them.

That’s YouTuber Sam Ibrahim has done, and the result — complete with analog VHS static, we might add — is pretty terrific. You can check out a mock-up trailer above, and some of the silly dialogue from the movie even feels a little cool and creepy when it’s got the right mood to back it.
Ibrahim shared the trailer above, with a New Year’s message, as the world entered 2017 — twenty years since the Schumacher film nearly killed Batman as a franchise.
“There’s nobody else to blame but me,” Schumacher said in 2014. “I could have said, ‘No, I’m not going to do it.’ I just hope whenever I see a list of the worst movies ever made, we’re not on it. I didn’t do a good job. George did. Chris [O’Donnell] did. Uma [Thurman] is brilliant in it. Arnold is Arnold.”
Ibrahim also titles it Batman: Sub-Zero, a name borrowed from an animated feature film set in the world of Batman: The Animated Series.
Batman & Robin tells the story of Batman and Robin as they attempt to prevent Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy from freezing all mankind to death and repopulating the earth with mutant plants, while at the same time struggling to keep their partnership together. It is also to date the only live-action film appearance of Batgirl, who helps the title characters fight the villains.