DC's I Am Batman Series Claims New York With Official Banners

DC Comics' I Am Batman series is popping up around New York City to celebrate Jace Fox becoming New York's Batman. These "wild postings" advertise the upcoming release of I Am Batman #6, written by award-winning screenwriter John Ridley (12 Years A Slave, American Crime, Let It Fall) and featuring art by Ken Lashley and Rex Lokus. The banners feature artwork by Taurin Clarke (Icon & Rocket: Season One) that shows Jace in costume but with his face revealed, the New York skyline serving as his background. The images are six feet tall by eight feet wide, making it an ideal backdrop for fan photos. You can see the artwork below.

DC is running the campaign through Wednesday, February 16th. I Am Batman #6 goes on sale in comic book stores and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 8th.

(Photo: Taurin Clarke, DC Comics)

Jace's move to New York City is part of DC's Black History Month initiative. Jace DC's first Batman of color. I Am Batman is the first time DC set a Batman ongoing series in New York City since 1941, when Gotham City debuted as Batman's new home.

"I'm incredibly excited about charting this new direction for Jace and the Fox family," Ridley said when announcing Jace's movie to New York. "This new setting is a great opportunity to do some really creative world building and give Jace his own allies, adversaries, and challenges that will continue to shape and define him as his own character under the cape and cowl."

The official I Am Batman #6 plot summary reads, "From The Joker War to Fear State, happenings in Gotham City have left deep scars on the Fox Family. From Lucius Fox' Joker toxin infection at the hands of Punchline during The Joker War, to Tanya Fox aligning with Mayor Christopher Nakano and the Magistrate initiative, to the tragedy that put Tamara Fox in a coma, Jace Fox has been in the trenches, fighting for his family and the soul of the city as Batman.

"After all the chaos the Fox family has endured, no doubt that a change of scenery would benefit everyone involved, especially with Jace's sister Tamara needing intensive therapy to overcome the trauma injuries she sustained. With one Batman being more than enough for Gotham, Jace decides it's time to pull up stakes and accompany his mother and sisters in their move to New York and continue the legacy of Batman in the Big Apple."

The I Am Batman wild postings are up now in New York City. I Am Batman #6 goes on sale on February 16th.