'Black Lightning' Recap With Spoilers: "Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption"

'Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption' begins with Two-Bits peddling on the street trying to [...]

(Photo: DC Entertainment)

"Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption" begins with Two-Bits peddling on the street trying to move some bootlegged product. Across the street, he notices a drug dealer give a younger person a pill. The younger person then begins to exhibit some sort of powers, but is quickly taken by men in a large white van.

Anissa has broken into the lab where Gambi saw bodies being stored. Upon examining them, Anissa finds out the bodies have been kept alive by some sort of cryogenics process.

Realizing they're still alive, Anissa hurries out of the facility to get back up. She rushes home to ask her dad to help out, begging him to forgive Gambi for his past. She explains that they're alive.

Lala is in his club talking to his cousin Will, who's also apparently been resurrected. The two talk about Tobias finding out they're alive. We then see an extended shot where it appears Lala has actually been talking to himself.

One of Lala's drug dealers approaches Lala about selling old products, and Lala promptly rips his ear off before shooting him twice. The other three dealers don't want that to happen to them, so they agree to sell Lala's product.

Lala then notices another tattoo appears on his chest, this time it's of Will, so he has a tattoo of each of the people we've seen him kill.

Anissa and Jefferson go back to the warehouse where the kids were being held, and they find the containers have been moved from that location. The pair is then ambushed by armed henchmen, which the vigilantes quickly take care of before being able to escape.

Back home, Jefferson is telling Anissa all of the details about Gambi's past as an agent of the ASA. Even after hearing what Gambi did, Anissa reminds her father that he still protected Jefferson's identity for decades, but Jefferson's not having it. He refuses to work with Gambi as he can't trust him.

The next morning, Two-Bits goes to Jefferson's house and reveals he saw one of Jefferson's students get kidnapped the previous night. Two-Bits tells Jefferson that he saw the student take Green Light before she looked like she caught on fire.

Lala's meeting with some business partners at his club. Lala asks his apparent distributor for millions of dollars worth of cocaine and $400,000 in marijuana. Lala's distributor is afraid he's getting set up. Lala then offers his own mother's life as collateral.

Jefferson's thinking about the story Two-Bits told when Jennifer walks in the kitchen. He asks Jennifer to stay home from school, because he's nervous that somebody is after powered kids in Freeland. Jefferson asks Anissa to stay by Jennifer's side until he can figure out what's going on.

A student is walking around Freeland posting posters of her missing friend Neema, the student we saw kidnapped. The student walks into Gambi's shop and talks to him about her friend.

Jennifer's at home upset that having powers has changed her life. She argues with Anissa, and Anissa brings up the fact that her little sister quit on Khalil. Upset at her sister's remarks, Jennifer's eyes light up, and she starts emitting firing from her body.

Jefferson goes to Lynn's lab to talk to her about Two-Bits' story and the missing pods containing metahumans.

Gambi's at his shop when Martin Proctor and a pair of suited ASA gents walk in and order the tailor to leave with them. Proctor tells Gambi that agents they have outside will start shooting pedestrians if Gambi doesn't go with them. Gambi agrees, and leaves his shop with Proctor and company.

Anissa tells Jefferson what happened with Jennifer, and he goes to console his youngest daughter. He warns Jennifer that she needs to learn how to control her powers, otherwise somebody can end up getting hurt.

Jefferson suits up as Black Lightning and goes to confront Two-Bits in an effort to get more information out of him. Two-Bits reveals he heard some military vehicles were on that side of town, but he's unable to share where those vehicles went.

Jefferson's out trying to find more information about those vehicles, and he's watching a drug deal go down when his goggles start shorting out.

Gambi's tied to a chair, being beaten by Proctor and his men. Proctor reveals that Black Lightning and Thunder showed up to the ASA warehouse shortly after Gambi broke in, so Proctor believes Gambi has access to the vigilantes. Gambi claims he doesn't know the whereabouts of Black Lightning.

Jefferson approaches the kid he saw buying drugs. He tells the kid to join a mentorship program to help him get off the streets.

Lynn's giving Jennifer an MRI scan when the machine starts going on the fritz. Lynn tells Anissa to take Jennifer's place to see if it's Jennifer's powers causing the disturbances. Seeing that everything is normal with Anissa in the machine, Lynn tells Jennifer to go back in, and the disturbances start happening again.

Lynn reveals that Jefferson's powers don't cause the disturbances that Jennifer's have been causing. Lynn reveals that Jennifer's cells can develop pure energy.

Malik, the kid Jefferson approached about mentorship, actually shows up to the meeting Jefferson set up. Jefferson sits down to speak with Malik when Proctor's agents walk in the room and warn him that if he ever wants to see Gambi alive again, he must go with them.

The ASA agents take Jefferson to where Gambi is being held. The agents hold guns to Jefferson's head and threaten to shoot him unless Gambi reveals the identity of Black Lightning. Jefferson uses his powers to take out the henchmen and rescue Gambi.

Jefferson takes Gambi back to Gambi's shop, and Jeff expresses thankfulness in Gambi not revealing Jefferson's true identity. Gambi warns Jefferson to move his daughters from their house.

Gambi tells Jefferson to go after the spotter — the ASA agent in the community that stakes out powered kids.

Jefferson moves his family to his father's old house, because the paperwork isn't in his name so nobody will know he owns it.

Proctor is examining the pods at their new location when we see him talking to the spotter Gambi was referencing earlier. We see the identity of the spotter, and it's revealed that the ASA spotter is Kara Fowdy, Jefferson's assistant at school.