‘Black Lightning’ “Resurrection” Trailer Released

The CW has released a new trailer for its upcoming new super hero series, Black Lightning.In this […]

The CW has released a new trailer for its upcoming new super hero series, Black Lightning.

Videos by ComicBook.com

In this latest trailer we not only get a new look at Black Lightning/Jefferson Pierece (Cress Williams) in action, but we get our first look at villain Tobias Whale (Marvin “Krondon” Jones III,) leader of the local gang, The One Hundred. You can check out the minute-long trailer above.

“Do you believe in the resurrection?” Tobias asks in the trailer, but it’s not religion the gangster is talking about. Instead, he’s referring to the return of the vigilante Black Lightning. In the series, Pierce picks up the heroic vigilante mantle that he had stepped away from nine years before when his daughters end up entangled with and in trouble because of the One Hundred. It’s a resurrection that Tobias is clearly not happy about it, though it also looks like Pierce isn’t exactly happy to be back under the mask. In the trailer he says he saves more lives as a high school principal than as a vigilante.

While Black Lightning takes places completely within its own universe on the network that is home to the four DC Comics Arrowverse shows, showrunner Salim Akil still has hope that there might be a chance for the show join the shared universe. At a recent set visit, Akil acknowledged that he had, way in the back of his mind, thought about what Earth the hero Black Lightning might hail from.

“You know it,” Akil said. “You know it. Yes.”

Black Lightning is set to debut on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 in what had previously been the time slot for Legends of Tomorrow, at 9/8c after episodes of The Flash. Legends of Tomorrow will return on February 12, 2018 in Supergirl‘s time slot of Mondays at 8/7c, the two shows essentially sharing the time slot in a unique arrangement which will see Supergirl taking an eight-week break to allow Legends to air the remainder of its season upon return.