Crisis on Infinite Earths Showrunner Reveals Black Lightning's Role in the Crossover

Crisis on Infinite Earths is just a mere day away, and fans are wondering just how many surprises [...]

Crisis on Infinite Earths is just a mere day away, and fans are wondering just how many surprises are in store. One of the reveals before the event really started to take shape this season was that Black Lightning would be one of the heroes in the fold. Now, Crisis showrunner Marc Guggenheim has revealed just what the hero's role in the crossover will be to IndieWire. The initial news of his involvement thrilled Arrowverse fans because it seemed like the show operated in its own little corner of the universe far away from the happenings in Arrow or The Flash. Even Supergirl had the opportunity to crossover with the other shows on occasion. But, here is the chance for Cress Williams' hero to step up and have a big heroic moment alongside all of the channel's other heavy-hitters.

"He's able to appear in hours three and five of the crossover, and it's much more than a cameo. It feels substantial, and it was great," Guggenheim said. "Really, I don't think the crossover would have been as satisfying as it is if Black Lightning the show hadn't been represented in some way. And the fact that its [actor Cress Williams] and the fact that it's more than just one scene is really great."

This was a delicate balance to achieve and the creative team have managed that feat. "The crossover was not originally designed around him," Guggenheim previously admitted while adding that Black Lightning films in Atlanta, while the Arrowverse shows usually film in Vancouver. "Once we did that, it felt like we had elevated the crossover to another level. Black Lightning's in it much more than we ever anticipated, and he's in it in a very significant way. That's something we worked very closely with the team at Black Lightning because the attitude among all of us, but I don't want to speak for Black Lightning folks, was if we're going to bring Black Lightning into the crossover, it can't just be for a cameo. It has to be in a way that feels significant while still, of course, dealing with our time and space limitations."

As a series star, Williams explained that this significant role came with some fun challenges. Look out for the moments when he gets a chance to play off of the event's large roster of costumed heroes.

"Black Lightning gets pulled into the conflict in a very surprising way," Williams admitted. "He's not prepared for it. So, he doesn't know these people. He's getting introduced into the world for the very first time, and so there's some conflict early on when he's trying to figure out, 'Who are you people and why am I here?' He's kind of left off-center, which was really fun to play."

"What's most fun about having Black Lightning be part of the crossover is that Black Lightning has never interacted with our characters before, any of them," Guggenheim also mentioned. "There's a fun interaction between Black Lightning and [Mick] Rory from Legends. Rory calls him Sparkles, which tickles me to no end."