The upcoming Flash movie has had its fair share of controversy surrounding it, with the film featuring the Scarlet Speedster being pushed back a few times since it was initially confirmed. While the movie will be bringing back Michael Keaton’s version of the Dark Knight, it will also still be taking place within the universe that began with Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, affectionately dubbed the “Snyder-Verse”. In this movie tie-in, a new familiar villain from DC Comics’ lore has made landfall in the cinematic universe.
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Flash: The Fastest Man Alive is a new mini-series that follows Central City’s premiere super-hero, taking place following the events of the Justice League movie and before Barry Allen receives his first official solo film. In the premiere issue, the Scarlet Speedster attempts to stop a gun-running operation but finds himself facing a new iteration of an antagonist that Flash fans might be familiar with. The Rogues have long expanded their roster over the decades to challenge the Flash and one of the newest members was introduced in 2001 via the powerhouse known as Girder, a former steelworker who gained powers after falling into a molten steel-filled vat.
While the comics saw Girder as a pure villain through and through, the film universe sees a supervillain that is conflicted, taking on nefarious jobs to keep his father alive and pay for his medical expenses. This is quite the departure from his original appearances where Tony Woodward, Girder’s original alias, seemed to care nothing for those around him and enjoyed using his abilities to torment innocent bystanders and hassle the Flash.

The battle between Girder and Flash ends with Barry taking the victory, though the Flash takes the opportunity to make sure that Girder’s father receives the transplant that he needed to survive, potentially causing Girder to see the light side as the issue comes to a close.
Another interesting aspect of Flash: The Fastest Man Alive is the role Ben Affleck’s Batman plays, with this version of the Dark Knight returning to assist Barry by not only taking on Girder but also training in learning how to fight. As the Flash has mostly relied on his superspeed, not knowing how to throw a punch, this made for quite the power-up in Barry’s arsenal.
What villains would you love to see appear in the Snyder-Verse? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.