DC Fans Loved Seeing Gal Gadot & Margot Robbie Hanging Out at the Oscars

The Academy Awards were last night even beyond the actual awards themselves the ceremony gave […]

The Academy Awards were last night even beyond the actual awards themselves the ceremony gave audiences plenty of memorable moments, but it’s Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie hanging out at the event that has DC fans taking to the internet to gush.

Videos by ComicBook.com

During the ceremony, host Jimmy Kimmel invited multiple stars to go with him to a nearby movie theater where an unsuspecting audience was attending an advance screening of Disney’s A Wrinkle in Time. The group handed out snacks — and used a hot dog cannon to do so — and generally made the night of those in the theater and even resulted in an iconic moment where Star Wars’ Mark Hamill introduced himself to Gadot, but it was the meeting of Gadot, who plays DC’s Wonder Woman, and Robbie, who plays Harley Quinn, that had the internet buzzing. The two stars who were holding hands, smiling, and at one point even running and laughing together as they went to the movie theater was easily one of the highlights of the night. Fans couldn’t contain their excitement, not only taking to Twitter to celebrate the adorable show of friendship, but even to use the moment to ask for an all-ladies DC film so the two could hang out on the big screen as well.

Read on for the internet’s reaction to Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie hanging out at this year’s Academy Awards.








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