‘Justice League’ Extended Cut Possibly Confirmed

It seems Justice League might contain an extended cut after all, but probably not the one fans […]

It seems Justice League might contain an extended cut after all, but probably not the one fans were hoping for.

Videos by ComicBook.com

Amazon of Germany has Justice League listed in a variety of formats, but there is a limited edition version that holds a longer running time of 135 minutes. That puts it at 2 hours and 15 minutes, while the theatrical version came in at 2 hours even. That would be enough for a few extended scenes but is not near enough for a full-on director’s cut that some fans have requested.

That might be enough space to include the cut Vulko scene or an additional Aquaman or Superman scene, including the rumored Black Suit cameo. Still, it won’t be enough to contain significant additional sequences, and evidently a few fitting that description were cut from the movie after Warner Bros. screened it.

There have been a number of petitions requesting extended cuts, including ones for a Zack Snyder cut and an all Joss Whedon cut. The former would like to see Snyder’s original vision, but there are conflicting accounts as to whether that cut actually exists in physical form since Joss Whedon came on to finish for him after he left the project.

There’s even a peaceful protest planned at Warner Bros. headquarters in California. Fans will show their support for Snyder with shirts and cosplay, hoping that it will sway the studio to release an ultimate edition with the unused footage.

It remains to be seen if that will work, but the studio did release an ultimate edition of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which many praised as a much better film.

Justice League holds a 61.28 on ComicBook.com’s composite rankings, placing it at #72 all-time. It also holds a 3.72 out of 5 on ComicBook.com’s User Rankings, placing it at #45.

Justice League is in theatres now.