JK Simmons Didn’t Know Who Zack Snyder Was Before ‘Justice League’

When it comes to comic book fans, the name Zack Snyder is a well-known one. The director is […]

When it comes to comic book fans, the name Zack Snyder is a well-known one. The director is considered to be the architect of the DC Extended Universe thus far, but that doesn’t mean all of Hollywood is familiar with the visionary. Just ask J.K. Simmons.

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During a recent interview, the actor told Entertainment Tonight he did not know who Snyder was when he auditioned for Justice League.

“I don’t know anything about show business,” Simmons admitted.

“My agent called and said, ‘Zack Snyder wants to meet with you,’ and I was like, ‘Awesome. Who’s that?’ And he was like, ‘He’s like one of the biggest directors.’ Not even like, ‘This is what it’s about,’ just, ‘Go meet.’”

Despite not knowing Snyder, Simmons did as his agent said. The actor’s information gap did not affect his chances at being cast as Simmons said he and Snyder got along well.

“[W]e were several minutes into the meeting when I kind of saw this quizzical look and he goes, ‘You have no idea why you’re here, do you?’” Simmons recalled. “He said, ‘Commissioner Gordon. I want you to play Commissioner Gordon.’”

Simmons says he was excited by the proposal yet nervous. The star described the role as “kind of intimidating” because of how well-known it is. In the past, stars like Gary Oldman have taken given their spin on the Gotham character.

While Simmons may have been apprehensive about Justice League at first, it seems the actor hopes to play Commissioner Gordon for some time now. The actor told Entertainment Tonight he enjoyed dipping into the role in Justice League but has high hopes he will be brought back in to expand the commissioner’s character in other projects.

Justice League currently has a 4.18 out of 5 ComicBook.com User Anticipation Rating, making it the third most anticipated upcoming comic book movie among ComicBook.com users. Let us know how much you’re looking forward to Justice League by giving the movie your own personal ComicBook.com User Anticipation Rating below.

Justice League opens in theaters November 17, 2017.