Marc Guggenheim Talks About The Future of DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Tonight's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow was a game changer.Despite rumors floating around [...]


Tonight's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow was a game changer.

Despite rumors floating around the Internet that it would be Green Lantern Alan Scott appearing on board the Waverider at the end of the season, Time Master Rip Hunter has decided to be a Time Master -- along with most of the Legends and the newly-introduced Rex Tyler (Hourman of the Justice Society of America).

Executive producer Marc Guggenheim talked to us a little bit earlier this week about the future of the series, now that the Hourman cat is out of the bag.

Given the appearance of Hourman in this episode, and the reports that a couple of World War II-affiliated heroes are being cast for next season, would it be fair to guess that we could see some Justice Society-related characters showing up next season?

Casting breakdowns are not news. That's true for any show, but for these shows, we know that they're going to get picked up and reported as news, so the casting breakdowns for these shows are fake. Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. The names are fake, the descriptions are fake, everything is completely fake.

So people can assume whatever they want, and people can keep reporting on fake news, but I just want them to know that it's fake.

With the fall of Vanishing Point and the deaths of most of the Time Masters, will Rip and the crew of the Waverider take on a more Linear Men kind of lean, mean model, where they're a bit more self-directed?

With respect to the mission statement for Season Two, it's basically that there are no more Time Masters -- and there's that line in the finale, "Somebody's got to do that job, it might as well be us."

Yeah, I think we're definitely taking a Linear Men kind of shape. We're ultimately going to focus on telling the kinds of stories we want to see on the show, which includes having them free to explore the timeline and the DC Universe in ways that we haven't seen yet.

With the Oculus Wellspring destroyed, how does that change the way Rip deals with these missions? He can no longer just look to Gideon to tell him how his actions may have changed history and exactly how to fix it.

It's very much like -- there's that line in 15, where he says it's like sailing without a map. We've always kind of said that while Rip is the captain of this timeship, he's also like an old sea captain.

And the difference between a 21st Century sea captain who has GPS and radar and extremely accurate weather models, and a sea captain in the 1600s is a whole other kettle of fish. It's a fundamentally different job in a lot of ways.

This season, there were a lot of kind of two or three episode mini-arcs, and then ultimately we saw it pay off in a big-picture kind of way because of the twist in Episode 14. Will that structure continue next season, or will we see a bit more of a linear narrative like on Arrow and The Flash?

You know...I think it will be a bit more linear, a bit different. I think that some of what you saw in Season One of Legends was a function of, we didn't have a chance to plot it out the same way as we would with Arrow or The Flash. And ultimately it's a different show than Arrow or The Flash, but I do think that the approach to storytelling will be much more similar next year.