Melissa Benoist To Voice Overgirl On ‘Freedom Fighters: The Ray’

After two seasons featuring DC Comics superhero Vixen, the digital channel The CW Seed is now […]

After two seasons featuring DC Comics superhero Vixen, the digital channel The CW Seed is now exploring alternate realities with the Freedom Fighters.

Videos by ComicBook.com

The new animated series will focus on the Ray and his allies of Earth X, fighting the fascist oppression of a Nazi regime in a world where the Allies won World War II. And they’ll be bringing some guest stars from the Arrowverse along for the ride.

Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim just revealed that Melissa Benoist would be voicing the evil version of Supergirl on Freedom Fighters: The Ray, known as Overgirl.

“Melissa is so sweet, and so is her interpretation of Supergirl,” Guggenheim said to TV Insider. “It was fun to hear her voice records and see she’s capable of a darkness. I think she really enjoyed playing the bad guy for a bit!”

Overgirl is a part of the evil group of heroes who will be fighting against the Freedom Fighters in the new animated series.

Asked why they decided to feature the Ray and Earth X, Guggenheim hinted that there are big plans for the concepts in the future.

“It’s called Freedom Fighters: The Ray for a very specific reason, which is we knew we wanted to establish the Freedom Fighters and Earth-X,” Guggenheim said. “In Multiversity, Grant Morrison came up with an idea we really responded to: The Freedom Fighters are made up of various minorities targeted by Nazis—women, gay men, Jews. We wanted to honor that idea. At the same time, it’s an origin story about the Earth-1 iteration of The Ray.”

He said the series will be “a classic story about a normal guy who gets superpowers, with all the complications and wish fulfillment that entails,” and hinted that allies like Vibe, Mr. Terrific, and Vixen will all be involved in the series.

“What’s been fun about the CW Seed series is, with each one, we’ve learned something new and been able to apply it to the next one,” Guggenheim said. “So Vixen Season 2 is better than Season 1. And The Ray is stronger than Vixen Season 2. I’m thrilled with the way things are shaping up.”

Freedom Fighters: The Ray premieres this fall on The CW Seed.