The Flash: Grant Gustin Teases Rick Cosnett's Big Series Return

Last week on The Flash, Rick Cosnett returned to The CW series, initially as Dr. Malcolm Gilmore but by the end of the episode it was revealed that the Mercury Labs employee is actually the late Eddie Thawne somehow brought back to life. The preview for this week's "A New World, Part Three" makes it pretty clear that Eddie is going to have a significant role as The Flash rolls out its final two episodes and now, series star Grant Gustin is opening up about the actor's return, teasing that he and Cosnett have some "really cool scenes" in the remaining episodes of the series and that fans will be excited for things, which are unlike anything Cosnett's done on The Flash before.

"Rick is another one that blew me away," Gustin told TVLine. "I mean, we had some really cool scenes the last couple episodes and he kind of ran the gambit with his performance in the last few. I mean, he got to do some really interesting stuff. There was some really fun stuff for him. It's unlike anything he's done on our show before and I think based off conversations I had with him it was unlike anything he's done in his career. I mean, he really got to do a lot of fun stuff in the last couple episodes and he really impressed me."

Is Eddie Thawne actually Cobalt Blue?

One of the big questions that fans of The Flash have had, both since the series' first season and more recently when it was announced that Cosnett would return for the final season, is whether Eddie Thawne is actually Cobalt Blue. In comics, Cobalt Blue is Malcom Thawne — Barry Allen's secret twin brother who was stolen from the Allens at birth and given to the Thawnes. For fans, it seems like The Flash is teeing up Eddie to be Cobalt Blue, particularly thanks to a line in the preview for this week's episode with Eddie heard saying "I could have had a whole life. Now, I have the chance to change that." One of the key elements of Cobalt Blue in comics is that Malcolm had a bad childhood and, after finding out the truth as an adult, grew jealous of Barry for living the life he should have had.

If Eddie is Cobalt Blue and that's the big final threat that The Flash is facing, it would finally deliver on something fans have been hoping for for a long time — and would also tie in that mysterious blue crystal from the Season 8 finale.

"You can't see me winking, right? There are no details I can give you about whether or not Cobalt Blue might appear on this show," showrunner Eric Wallace said previously. "Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. I can neither confirm nor deny anything. I can say this, however: be aware of the blue crystal, especially in the series finale."

The Flash airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW. "A New World, Part Three" airs May 17th.