The Flash’s Danielle Panabaker Explains the Killer Frost Personality — Which May Go Into Season 4

Things won’t be the same for Team Flash by the time the season finale rolls around later this […]

Things won’t be the same for Team Flash by the time the season finale rolls around later this month — especially for Caitlin Snow, now running around as the villainous Killer Frost, whose story may not resolve itself by the end of the season.

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During a recent interview with ComicBook.com, actress Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin, stopped us cold (no pun intended) when we proposed the idea that it was a “safe assumption” that her character would survive the season, turn good again, and get the Killer Frost personality back under control.

“I’ve filmed the rest of the season and I don’ know that our season finale leaves everything tied up in a pretty little bow,” Panabaker said. “I think that there’s still a lot of questions at the end of season 3 about what happens to Team Flash.”

It’s a hard time for Team Flash right now; battling against the apparently-looming murder of Iris West, Barry and company are reeling from the loss of Caitlin, whose latent metahuman powers were “activated” after an injury that could have killed her if the powers and their attendant healing factor hadn’t kicked in.

Unfortunately, healing powers aren’t the only thing that comes with being Killer Frost; the character is a distinct personality from Caitlin’s, and she’s spoilng for trouble.

“It’s definitely something that I had a lot of questions about at the beginning of the season,” Panabaker explained. “The way it was explained to me is that Killer Frost is this evil person who lives inside of Caitlin. She was created out of Flashpoint and she just wants to get out, sort of similar to Magenta, who we had earlier this season. So she’s been inside of her and she’s just jouncing to get out and cause some trouble.”

That’s pushed Panabaker’s character — and her performance — to some pretty dark places, which she acknowledges is kind of a weird area for The Flash, which was originally known as the bright, hopeful alternative to the dark and violent Arrow.

“I think it’s definitely been a challenge, and certain actors have had darker storylines than others,” Panabaker said. “I feel badly for Grant [Gustin] because it seems like every season they’re killing or threatening to kill somebody who’s more and more important to Barry. It’s definitely a challenge, and it’s definitely something different for us, but I watch the show, and I watched our musical episode, which I thought was fantastic, and I think it would be nice to get back to some of the lightness that we’ve had in previous seasons and that I think we got to see a lot of in the musical episode. Maybe have that to look forward to next year.”

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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