James Gunn's The Suicide Squad to Begin Filming in Atlanta, Head to Panama

Warner Bros. and DC Comics is gearing up for production for production on The Suicide Squad, which [...]

Warner Bros. and DC Comics is gearing up for production for production on The Suicide Squad, which will assemble its cast in Atlanta next week. The James Gunn-directed movie is set to begin production this month and is scheduled to shoot in Georgia for three months before heading to Panama for about a month, ComicBook.com has learned. The anti-heroes are going international.

Warner Bros. confirmed with ComicBook.com that filming with start this month but did not comment on locations of production.

The Suicide Squad heading to Panama furthers rumors from earlier this week from often-accurate scooper Daniel Richtman who claimed in The Suicide Squad, "Amanda Waller will once again send the Suicide Squad into danger as they travel to Panama to find an Alien monster."

"It's called The Suicide Squad,' producer Peter Safran told ComicBook.com back in March ahead of the release of his Shazam! movie. "It's not Suicide Squad 2. It is not a sequel. I will leave that alone but, yes, it's called The Suicide Squad."

If The Suicide Squad is to follow the trend of recent DC Comics movies, it will tell an isolated story without relying on connections to other heroes and villains scattered across the big screen universe. "I think that is the goal," Safran said in an earlier interview. "It is giving heroes their time to shine and not feeling like you have to shoehorn in some universal connection amongst them all. The studio's been incredibly supportive and DC's been supportive about saying, 'Take the time that you need to introduce these characters in the right way and tell the stories that audiences want to see with these characters.'"

Most recently, Warner Bros. and DC Comics took aim at a story so isolated that it exists like an Elseworlds type of story with Joker. The film exists in its own world with a unique cast. Meanwhile, Aquaman and Shazam! dropped without ties to the DC films before them like Justice League or Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Wonder Woman 84 will likely follow suit with its setting prior to Diana Prince meeting her super friends.

This all really means that looks at characters and cast members will start to be revealed they assemble for production. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn will be at the helm of The Suicide Squad before he heads back to Marvel for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

The Suicide Squad is set for release on August 6, 2021.