Tom Taylor Posts Heartfelt Goodbye to ‘Injustice’ Comic

Over on his official Facebook page, comics and TV writer Tom Taylor has shared a lengthy, […]

Over on his official Facebook page, comics and TV writer Tom Taylor has shared a lengthy, heartfelt farewell to the Injustice: Gods Among Us comic book series, of which he has been the principle architect for six years.

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Taylor spoke at length about his affection for Superman, and the difficulty he had with finding a believable way to turn the Man of Steel evil — the entire concept of Injustice — and his immediate revulsion at the idea itself.

“I’ve often heard it said that, traditionally, game tie-in comics aren’t incredibly well thought of,” Taylor said in the Facebook post, embedded in full below. “But Ed Boon, Shawn Kittelsen, Dominic Cianciolo and their team created a great game and, as far as I was concerned, I was being handed my own universe to play in, full of characters I worshiped like Green Arrow, Black Canary, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Nightwing, Harley Quinn and more. And I wasn’t going to waste my shot at the characters I loved, the characters I’d grown up with. I was going to tell the best story I could.”

The story of Injustice followed the plot of the games as much as was necessary to be a legitimate tie-in, but took a lot of interesting side quests and has become, for some fans, one of DC’s most refreshing alternate-earth stories in years.

The nature of the game, the weekly, digital-first format of the storytelling, and the world in which it was being told allowed Taylor to explore new and different takes on a wide variety of characters, and to flesh out numerous heroes and villains who had only token roles in the games into fully-formed versions of their comics selves with an Injustice twist.