Zack Snyder Confirms His Next Film is Ayn Rand Adaptation

With Zack Snyder's time with the DCEU and now the director has confirmed that he's moving on to a [...]

With Zack Snyder's time with the DCEU and now the director has confirmed that he's moving on to a project he's talked about since 2016 -- an adaptation of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead.

The confirmation comes from Snyder's social media platform of choice, Vero, where he frequently answers fan questions and posts behind-the-scenes photos. A fan recently asked him what his current project is, and Snyder simply replied "Fountainhead" without any further details. You can check out a screenshot of the exchange in the tweet below.

As noted previously, Snyder has talked about wanting to do a film adaptation of The Fountainhead since 2016. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter around the time that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opened in theaters, Snyder said that the project was something he had been working on outside of the DCEU as he found it so connected to the creative process.

"I have been working on The Fountainhead," Snyder said. "I've always felt like The Fountainhead was such a thesis on the creative process and what it is to create something. Warner Bros. owns [Ayn Rand's] script and I've just been working on that a little bit."

For fans wondering what Snyder's new project is about, The Fountainhead, published in 1943, was the first literary success for Russian-American writer Ayn Rand. The book -- very generally speaking -- tells the tale of a young architect who refuses to compromise his designs with ideas of other, established architect despite backlash he receives for it. However, the book is somewhat controversial as the story embodies themes about perceived struggles of individuality and creative stifling of conformity in addition to the novel being criticized for not having any sympathetic characters as well as having questionable treatment of female characters.

Problematic themes and characterizations aside, Snyder's adaptation would not be the first time The Fountainhead has been adapted for the screen. Warner Bros. released a film based on the book back in 1949. Rand wrote the screenplay for that version herself which is the script Snyder has previously mentioned adapting.

As for when fans can expect Snyder's The Fountainhead, that is a bit of a mystery. Other than the director's comment on Vero, there has been no other confirmation of the project by Warner Bros. However, with how open Snyder has been on Vero lately -- he recently appeared to admit that he had no idea who the Russian family in Justice League was -- it's likely when there's more to tell about the project, Snyder will talk about it on the social media platform.

What do you think about Snyder's new project? Let us know in the comments below.