Week 1 challenges are now live now that Season 5 of Fortnite has officially begun. For those that aren’t sold on the Battle Pass yet, there are three challenges that are open to everyone – the rest, you must be a member. We talked about how to find the Risky Reels treasure map earlier, now we’re going to make it a little easier to search those floating lightning bolts.
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There are more than simply what is shown in the image above, but you only need 7 to complete the challenge. Plus, why wouldn’t you want to check out the new desert biome and collect that lighting bolt on your way to the new race track?!
There’s also one smack dab in the middle of Tilted Towers, but make sure to be prepared. Dropping in there could be a death sentence for newer players and with Season 5 officially kicked off, it’s going to be a hot zone for sure!
The Loot Lake is another good one to find, but will also be heavily populated. I’d recommend starting from Flush Factory and working inwards, Tomato Town is also where you need to head for the other challenge concerning the Treasure Map, so dropping in there for the first point of contact would not bad idea either!
There have been reports of one spotted at Haunted Hills, but we haven’t seen it for ourselves yet! If you’ve found anymore that aren’t listed in the image above, feel free to drop us a tip in the comment section so we can make sure to add it to this list! Good luck, and happy hunting!
For the rest of the challenges:
Free Challenges
- Deal damage with SMGs to opponents (500)
- Search a Supply Llama (1)
- Clinger, Stink Bomb or Grenade Eliminations (3) (HARD)
Battle Pass Challenges
- Search Chests in Snobby Shores (7)
- Search floating Lightning Bolts (7)
- Follow the treasure map found in Risky Reels (1) (HARD)
- Eliminate opponents in Retail Row (3) (HARD)
The latest update is now live on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and iOS devices! Interested in what else is new? Check out the full patch notes right here! Don’t forget to also tune it into our Fortnite Community Hub right here to stay in the know! It’s update day, which means leaks, guides, and tons more are on the way! We’ve got you covered!