BioWare Makes Fun of Spider-Man PS4 Puddlegate In Most Hilarious Way Possible

BioWare took to the center stage during Pax West to open up about their upcoming IP Anthem. We [...]

BioWare took to the center stage during Pax West to open up about their upcoming IP Anthem. We finally got our first look at the online game's story but as a bonus - we also got a pretty hilarious nod to the current "Puddlegate 2018" regarding Insomniac Games' Spider-Man for PS4.

The great Puddle-gate of 2018. Marvel fans have a lot to look forward to with Insomniac Games' Spider-Man title dropping soon for PlayStation for, but that hasn't stopped the internet from picking up those pitchforks for a perceived graphic downgrade over a missing puddle. Though the dev team already clarified that no degradation took place, that didn't stop BioWare's Mike Gamble from poking fun at the randomness of it all.

During the PAX panel, the team shared a brand new trailer to show off more about the story, the lore, and the characters. There was one moment in particular where there was a puddle seen on the ground. At this point, the producer laughed to himself and said "Yes, that's a puddle," before hilariously poking fun at the latest debacle to haunt Insomniac Games.

He began the joke by saying "You'll see the puddle, right there." He continued to jest about the entire Spidey debacle by saying, "So before we move on, there's a 98% chance that that puddle will be changed, moved, reduced ..."

You can hear the exact reference in the video at the top of the article at the 14:50 mark, but it was too funny not to share. We were at the panel this year front row and we can one hundred percent confirm that almost the entire audience knew the reference and couldn't help but to chuckle at it.

As far as Spider-Man goes, Insomniac has already confirmed that the fears of degradation were completely unfounded.

The whole 'controversy' first started due to the most recent trailer where some fans noticed that a puddle looked infinitely smaller which immediately posed a "Great Graphic Debate 'o 2018." Fans of Spidey took to both Reddit and Twitter to let their concerns be known, which even prompted the team at Insomniac Games to set the record straight once and for all.

James Stevenson, Insomniac's Community Mananger, added his own rebuttle, "The puddles being moved had nothing to do with performance. Pretty sure it was a design/art usability reason thing." He added, "Definitely wasn't performance, as we have spots with tons of puddles in the game with no performance issue."

As far as Anthem goes, the game officially drops on February 22nd of next year.