
WATCH: Ninja Tries To Teach Ellen How To Play ‘Fortnite’

The rule of the Internet is: if you get big enough, you end up on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. And so […]

The rule of the Internet is: if you get big enough, you end up on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. And so naturally, the face of Fortnite and Twitch streaming, Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins, recently stopped by the Los Angeles Studio to try and teach Ellen how to play the battle-royale shooter. It doesn’t go well, but it is hilarious.

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In the nearly eight-minute-long video, Ninja introduces himself and provides a little bit of background information about himself to the audience. For example, the streamer reveals that he plays roughly 10 hours a day (six in the morning, and four later in the day).

After this, he takes on the daunting task of teaching Ellen how to play by jumping off the Party Bus with her in a game of Duos. Ellen — who admits her only gaming experience is Rockband — is almost instantly lost on what to do, and not long after he jumps, Ninja dies, leaving Ellen to fend for herself.

After finding her first gun, a tactical shotgun, Ellen proceeds to fire a few rounds into the ground before getting killed, tragically, but in a fashion you would expect. The only thing missing was the Jonesy skin.

As you may know, Ninja’s stint on The Ellen DeGeneres Show is only his latest example of breaking into the mainstream in a fashion no other streamer ever has. He was also recently featured on an ESPN cover, and has been handed plenty of other opportunities nobody else ever has. And when you look at his massive audience, and the fact that he’s the face of one of the biggest games ever, it’s not very surprising.

Hopefully, he will go back on the show and help Ellen get a Victory Royale, and once and for all prove he’s one of the best players in the world.

Fortnite is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. For more on the game, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of the battle-royale title by clicking right here.

And as always, feel free to hit the comments and let us know what you think. Who’s better at Fortnite: Ninja or Ellen?

Thanks, Dextero.